Trent Walker


In the second episode of the Amplified Impact podcast I was able to catch up with Trent Walker and talk about his YouTube success and traveling adventures. Trent shares tips on how he has gone from 0 to 6,000 YouTube subscribers in 6 months and several videos approaching 1 million views! Trent and his wife Siobhan are traveling worship leaders. They have been living full-time in an RV with 5 boys for the past year and tell about some of their experiences on the road as a family of 7.

Community is what people long for & if they are not finding it in #church, they will leave @trentandsiobhan Share on X

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Show Notes

A few things that Trent said during this interview that really stood out to me:

  • 2017 has been dubbed the "Search Renaissance"
  • The next church that decides to be very vulnerable and real with a YouTube Channel, doing a daily YouTube channel successfully and not preaching but just existing, will be a successful thing.
  • YouTube thrives on how well you do your description, tags, and clickbait title and thumbnail.
  • When they started our YouTube channel, Trent told Siobhan the only way they were going to make this thing successful is flood it with content, content, content.
  • Stop putting your church sermons on YouTube, it's honestly a huge waste of time and no one is watching it. People would much rather watch church online.
  • People on YouTube are not looking for "how to", but "who are you?"
  • The people of God need to make a vital push toward being in those public spaces.

Amplified Impact Round

Q: What’s the #1 thing any new church communication director needs to know?
A: Listen to your executive leadership over your team.

Q: What’s the best thing you’ve done to attract new visitors to church?
A: Good old fashioned advertising and word of mouth.

Q: Any tips for planning or promoting sermons/series?
A: People will be more likely to chime into a sermon when it has a catchy hook. Use 30 second clips of your sermon.

Q: What’s your favorite tool for ministry?
A: Boomerang & Momentum

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Trent via his website or YouTube channel.

Suggested Guest

Trent mentioned that I interview Jerry Theis at Radiant Coast and Jennifer Miles. Look out Jerry and Jennifer, I'm be contacting you soon.
