Justin Dean


Justin Dean unpacks his new book: PR Matters: A Survival Guide for Church Communication and his experiences dealing with crisis while on staff at Mars Hill Church during the last years of its existence.

Every church is doing PR whether you have a strategy behind it or not. @justinjdean Share on X

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Show Notes

What's in this episode?

  • Mars Hill Church Story (4:55)
  • What is PR? (8:45)
  • 10 Traits of a PR Person (10:14)
  • Creating a PR Plan (16:04)
  • How to begin the conversation with your pastor about developing a crisis plan (18:41)

Advertising is saying you're good. And PR is getting someone else to say you're good. @gassee @justinjdean Share on X

3 Highlights

  • An easy way to start planning for crisis communication is to think of likely mini crisis scenarios that could happen (bad weather canceling church, someone posts something negative on social media about your church, etc.) and then write out the steps that need to happen for each.
  • Paying attention to people online is so important and can really catapult your church if you do a good job of engaging them and facilitating conversations.
  • Create a crisis communication plan for your church before you have any crisis so that as they come up you will be able to deal with them quickly and effectively.

Amplified Impact Round (24:24)

Q: What's the first thing any new church communicator or director needs to know?
A: You're not alone.

What’s the best thing you’ve done to attract new visitors to church?
A: Good solid preaching & paying attention to people online...

Q: What’s your favorite tool for ministry? (website, app, tool, program, etc.)
A: A church website.

Q: What’s your favorite tool to personally use for ministry? (website, app, tool, program, etc.)
A: Mention app

Who do you recommend I interview on the podcast next? Why?
A: Van Baird (listening online), Dave Adamson (North Point, online media, church photography, social media)

Reach Out

You can reach out to Justin at his website justinjdean.com or at @justinjdean on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Suggested Guest

Justin suggested that I interview Van Baird about listening to your audience online and Dave Adamson from North Point about social media and church photography.
