Chris Abbott


Chris Abbott unpacks how he has helped churches have huge success with Facebook Ads without spending a lot of money.

If there was a place everyone spent 20 mins/day, u would set up shop & invite people to church. Share on X

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Show Notes

What's in this episode?

  • How much a church of 120 spent on Facebook Ads to get 500 people to show up for fall festival (3:54) for $65
  • Basic outline of Facebook Ad strategy (5:58)
  • What type of photos and how much text should be on them for FB ads (8:00)
  • Facebook Ad copy/sample text: (10:35)
  • When to boost a post vs make an ad set (12:58)
  • Best days/times to run Facebook ads (16:16)
  • How to run Facebook ads that are not based on location/geography (18:08)
  • How to increase engagement on social media engagement (22:07)

Take imperfect action immediately. @theabbo Share on X

4 Quick Highlights

  • You can have a big impact with Facebook Ads without spending a lot of money.
  • Boosting Facebook posts to reach your own people and run Facebook Ads to reach people in the community.
  • 1.3 billion of the 1.9 billion Facebook log in everyday, and the average users spends 20 minutes per day on Facebook.
  • Be on Facebook, post what’s going on, frame it for new people, don’t promote all the great things going on, just start a conversation.

Amplified Impact Round (24:41)

Q: What's the first thing any new church communication director needs to know?
A: Take imperfection action immediately.

Q: What's the best thing you’ve done to attract new visitors to church?
A: Facebook Ads all the way. Google Adwords is good too.

Q: What's your favorite tool for ministry?
A: Facebook Video ads. Be friendly, and talk fast.

Q: What's the #1 thing a church can do to differentiate itself?
A: Lean into who you are. Don’t try to copy the big church websites. embrace who you are. You can shake the pastor’s hand every sunday, and will be missed when you’re not there.

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Chris via his website or at theabbo on Twitter or Instagram or on Facebook.

Suggested Guest

Chris suggested that I interview Brady Shearer, Kenny Jahng, Tyler Rominger about Google Adword Grants, and Barbara Carneiro next.
