#34 Cast the Vision Constantly – 101 Ways to Attract More Visitors
Hey Digital Communicators, I’m John Falke from Johnny Flash Productions and Amplified Impact, and this is 101 Ways to Attract More Visitors, a practical guide for churches to amplify their impact and reach their communities. Now let’s amp it up.
Number 34 cast the vision constantly. Now I know this might seem like a lot but you need to reinforce the vision of your church over and over again so that everybody understands it, they can repeat it and they know what it means.
How often does your church cast the vision? @johnfalke Share on XAnd the thing is the church vision is often too like church leaders, how worship songs are to the worship band right. The worship band practices them. They rehearse them. They often sing the songs perform them for multiple services and so the worship leaders and the worship band tend to get tired of the songs long before the people in the seats in your church are starting to really get them.
And so you have to just kind of cast the vision over and over again. You’ve got to be laser sharp on your church’s vision.
Andy Stanley in his book Visioneering says we need to state our vision simply this is a quote from Andy says, “Vision is a preferred future. A destination. Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Visionering is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.”
And the reality is that vision leaks and so you have to constantly cast the vision over and over again. Just like you need to sing the songs over and over again so people can really start to own them, feel comfortable enough to sing them and like they know the song. So it’s going to be long past when the band is tired of seeing the song, that’s probably just when people are starting to become familiar with it.
And so you want to make sure that you’re casting the vision over and over again so that everybody at your church knows what your church is trying to do and achieve and then they’ll be more excited about it and be able to invite their friends. And new people will be able to understand what your church is all about.
In the next video I’m going to show you how to reinforce the vision by telling your church’s origin story. Until then amp it up.
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