Hey Digital Communicators, I’m John Falke from Johnny Flash Productions and Amplified Impact, and this is 101 Ways to Attract More Visitors, a practical guide for churches to amplify their impact and reach their communities. Now let’s amp it up.
#15, be easy to find. I’m always amazed when I go to church websites and I can’t easily find where the church is located or how to get to the church. So I always encourage churches to either have their address and their map and how to get to their church on every page of their website or if you have multiple campuses, have some kind of “locations” tab on your main navigation that people can easily find out where you are.
Life Church does a great job of this. They have a lot of different locations and so when you click on locations and then you can choose what state you’re in, then it shows you all of the campuses with the address clearly spelled out and the city that they’re closest to and a visual on a map of where those are located. You want to make your church easy to find online.
How easy or difficult is it to find your church location(s)? @johnfalke Share on XThen when people start coming to your church, and they’re driving there on a Sunday morning to find your church, if your church is located in a shopping mall or in a rented facility or in a business park, make sure you have signs long before they get to your building that direct them on how to get there.
I’ll never forget I was going to visit a church and it was very difficult to find because it was in a business park. They didn’t have their church name outside the building. They had the name of their facility. I didn’t know that. And so it was hard to find the Google map didn’t take me to the right spot in this business park because they all have basically the same address almost. And so make sure that not only is your church easy to find online, but it’s easy to find as people are looking for it.
Chances are if you’ve been going to the church for a long time, you forgot what it was like to try to find the church at first. So ask some new people to come to the church or ask people where they had difficulty finding the church and where you can improve your signage and so forth.
In the next video, I’m going to show you how to design emails that drive traffic to your website. Until then, amp it up.
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