#2 Make This Sunday Special – 101 Ways to Attract More Visitors


Hey Digital Communicators, I’m John Falke from Johnny Flash Productions and Amplified Impact, and this is 101 Ways to Attract More Visitors, a practical guide for churches to amplify their impact and reach their communities. Now let’s amp it up.

#2, Make This Sunday Special. What are you going do to make this Sunday special at your church? I mean, what if you could make Sunday so amazing that people planned their vacations around being at your church?

What if you could make Sunday so amazing that people planned their vacations around being at your church? @johnfalke Share on X

Have you ever gone to just an amazing place like a destination or vacation? If you go to Disney world, they work really hard to make sure every time you go there you have an amazing experience.

And so we want to think about how we can make our church service an amazing experience every single week. Don’t just fall into your typical routine. Work really hard to make it special and make it memorable so that people are inspired and are just drawn to God because of the way that you use creativity.

After all, we serve a creative God, right? He created the heavens and the stars out of nothing. So we want to utilize the creativity God’s given us to make Sunday special at my church.

We’ve done all kinds of things to make Sunday special, whether it’s having a photo booth out in the lobby on Mother’s Day or Christmas, or having a special set on the stage or videos incorporated into the service or having some things in the lobby or incorporating different elements, we’ve done all kinds of crazy things to make Sunday special and people just want to tell their friends. They invite their friends because it’s really amazing.

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to make this Sunday special at your church, we have a beautiful free eBook that you’re going to want to check out. It’s awesome. It gives you visuals, it gives you ideas, it shows you stuff from all different churches. And I think you’ll find it really helpful.

Now in the next video, I’m going to show you how to make it special once you get them to church so you can keep them coming back. Until then, amp it up.

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